Thursday, October 21, 2010

The beginning of the end

Normally I would post classic quotes from my kids into my sidebar, but this one deserved its own blog post.  Now, if Leah discovers that I have made this post then I will probably never hear the end of how much I embarrass her.  But.....oh well!  I'm a parent and that's what I do ;>) .

So, yesterday I picked Leah up early from school so that we could have some family fun(blog post on this is yet to come).  I let her ride in the front seat with me for the mile drive home and she turns to me very seriously and says:

"Okay, Mama, I have three reasons why I think that that boy "A" loves me.

Reason 1:  In P.E. he said, "But I didn't get a chance to race Leah yet??!!"

Reason 2:  He stared at me for more than like 20 seconds!

and lastly

Reason 3:  I heard from a friend who heard from another friend who heard "A" say:  "Leah is just like an angel."  "

Oh boy!  What's a parent to do????  I love that girl so much and it saddens me to think that I only have a few more years before the "crazy" hits her.  I hope that they will be a good few years.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Negligence and Procrastination

Wow!  It seems as though it has been forever since I posted on here!  It's been in the back of my mind constantly but I just haven't found a good time to sit and blog.  I haven't even had time lately to sit down and take care of our emails.  You know, all of those lovely emails that I intend to read sometime but never actually do.  It finally got to over 200 emails this morning and I decided that I had to take action.  Now, 200 emails may not sound extreme to some people but I'll just say that we try to keep our emails to a bare minimum and that's usually less that 10.  So, our emails were overloaded, our DVR has such a backlog that I feel like when I do finally have the time to sit and watch any of the shows that I wind up falling asleep right in the middle of the episode, and I haven't been able to sit down and read for several weeks; at least not recreationally.  Then I realized that withdrawing myself from all of this media has not necessarily been a negative in my life.  Have I been able to sit down and zone out with mindless drivel?  Not really.  Have I felt lost without it?  Nope!  Have I been able to take the time to accomplish more of the things that are potentially enriching and edifying?  Yup.

Our church held its General Conference a little over a week ago.  For those that are unaware of this semi-annual event, it is when the leaders of our church speak and offer counsel and inspiration to anyone willing to hear their messages.  During this last General Conference, President Uchtdorf, a Counselor in the First Presidency of the church, touched on many things but what I felt was most applicable to me was his mention of time management.  Have I been busy?  Yes.  Have I been focusing more on things that really truly matter?  I like to think that I have.  I am trying to focus more on the truly important things and steer away from the things that just seem more enticing.  In the past it's seemed relatively easy to tell the kids, "I'll be there in just a minute.  Just wait until I'm done with [insert meaningless internet site or other frivolous task]".  It's so easy to find other things to do that seem so much easier than tending to the things that really should be priorities in my life.  This may mean less frequent blog posts and it may mean fewer deals found online, but are those the things that are vital?  Not really.  I feel good about the things that I have began to make improvements upon.  I have felt more organized in my life.  I have had a greater sense of accomplishment and hope to continue on with this for as long as possible.  Here's hoping.....