Okay, so now that I have composed myself a bit, I feel that I can write. As of this morning, Leah and Jacob are officially in school. Leah began the Third grade and Jacob is now in Kindergarten. The kids were so excited to be starting this morning. I think that Leah woke up before 6 this morning out of anticipation. This summer has gone by so amazingly fast. I feel as though the summer has barely begun and that we should have tons of time left to do all of the things that we didn't get to do. I'm hoping to be able to help out in their classrooms as much as possible and work with them some in the mornings before school. But, as for the rest of the time, I get to hang out with my Noah. He and I will have so much fun, and he'll help me to keep my mind off of how much I miss his brother and sister.